Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Childhood Cancer Awareness - Wear Yellow Day

178.  Childhood Cancer Awareness Month
179.  The color yellow
180.  Good friends
181.  My mom - her example, her love, her faith
182.  Compression socks - MIRACLE socks
183.  Days that are better than your expectations

I left for work this morning, got about half-way to school, and realized that I had forgotten to put on my watch and my earrings.  Now, that might not seem like a big deal to many people. . . . but I must confess that on other mornings when I have done this, I have promptly made a U-turn to go back home and finish getting dressed.  I comtemplated that this morning. . . . but since I was already running late. . . . I battled the urge to give in to my borderline OCD. . . . and kept on driving to work.  I kept telling myself. . . "It doesn't really matter.  There are clocks in every classroom, and no one is going to care if I have on earrings or not. No one will probably even notice!"  (I did, however, check to make sure my sweater was on right-side out and right-side up before I went in to the building)  Aside from looking at my wrist about 20 times, and continually rubbing my naked earlobes. . . . . being watchless and earringless really did not have any negative effect on my day.  In fact, I probably had a better day today than I did yesterday.  My girls and I often say to each other. . "It's all about expectations".

The good thing about today was that I DID wear my new compression socks (or as seen on TV - MIRACLE socks).  And I think I would have to say that they ARE pretty miraculous.  My legs are always sore and achy when I get home from work, but tonight. . . . they actually feel pretty good.  If only they made Miracle BODY suits!!

September is Childhood Cancer Awareness Month.  I got an email through our school district today, saying that tomorrow, September 13th is "Wear Yellow Day" in honor of those that are fighting, or have lost the battle of childhood cancer.  It was sent by a teacher in our district, a mom who lost her young daughter to cancer last spring.  It made me cry. . . . but I will wear yellow tomorrow, and I hope many others will as well.

My mom is having to use a wheelchair now to get around in her house.  She has a severe muscle strain in her back and it is too painful for her to walk.  And yet. . . while I am kind of in a place where I just keep bracing myself for the next heartache that is going to happen. . . my mom looks at everything and says, "I need to find what God wants to teach me through this.  I know He has a plan and His timing is perfect.  She is always thankful."  I am so thankful for our friend Cammy, and other friends there in California who are able to be there to help my mom.  I hate it that I am so far away.  We'd appreciate prayers for my mom, and for us as we work out details. 


  1. Love the picture of your girls in yellow :) So glad you had your sweater on right side out and right side up :)

  2. Glad you had a good day in spite of your missing jewels! It's all about comfort now, isnt' it? :D I'll be praying for your Mom. If she likes San Diego, she should look at my Dad's's gorgeous. I want to live there!
