Thursday, November 15, 2012

I Lift My Hands

Do you ever hear a song on the radio that hits you like a ton of bricks, or just drenches your soul?  Yesterday on my way to work, Chris Tomlin's "I Lift My Hands" came on KLOVE.  I love that song!  I have heard it many times, and I think perhaps I have even posted it here before.  This time it just struck such a deep chord in my heart.  That is exactly where I am!  It made me wonder where the song came from. . . . .why did Chris Tomlin write it. . . . what's the story behind it? 

So. . . this morning I googled it.  Sure enough. . . . Chris Tomlin co-wrote it with Louie Giglio and Matt Maher.  He said the lyrics began with Louie, who was struggling with anxiety, and panic.  He was dealing with health issues and felt like he was just shutting down.  He said that at night everything felt so dark and consuming, he would lay in his bed and try to sing, lifting his hands to God in surrender.  He told Chris that people needed a song of hope for when they are facing a loss or tremendous heartache.  We often lift our hands in celebration, but sometimes we have to lift them in surrender too.

Be still, there is a Healer. 
His love is deeper than the sea.
His mercy, it is unfailing. 
His arms are a fortress for the weak. 

Let faith arise.  Let faith arise.
I lift my hands to believe again. 
You are my fortress, You are my strength.
As I pour out my heart these things I remember.
You are faithful God, forever.

Be still, there is a river,
that flows from Calvary's tree.
A fountain for the thirsty,
pure grace that washes over me.

So, let faith arise.  Let faith arise.
Open my eyes.  Open my eyes.
I lift my hands to believe again.
You are my fortress, You are my strength.
As I pour out my heart these things I remember.
You are faithful God, forever.
You are faithful God, forever.

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