Saturday, August 25, 2012


So, I should be vaccuming. . . I should be practicing music for Beauty and the Beast. . . I should be working in the yard. . . I should be cleaning out the fridge and grocery shopping. . . I should be getting music ready for church. . . I should be paying bills. . . I should probably be back at school getting things ready for Monday. . . .and instead, here I sit avoiding all the afore mentioned.  What is it that motivates or inspires us to do the things we should be doing. . . . or even to do the things we dream of doing?  In fact. . . what is it that motivates people to blog?  That is something I also often wonder about . . . . why do I do this?  But I digress. . . . see how my thoughts wander?  How do I ever get anything done, or put any cohesive thoughts together????

Yesterday was the day all the staff in the district came back to work. . . officially.  We had our district meeting in the high school gym, then our site staff meetings at our individual schools, and Numa had our "Meet and Greet" time, where families and students could come in to find their classrooms and meet their new teachers.  It was a good day . . . a little crazy. . . more than a little chaotic, but good.  Everyone is "gearing up" for a new start, a new school year, a new adventure.  As I was driving back to our school from the all-district meeting at the high school, I was thinking. . . "What is it that inspires or motivates people?"  What is it that inspires or motivates me?  Yesterday, the messages were (kind of in a nutshell) . . ."thanks for all your hard work". . . . "relax and do your job". . . . "we're all in this together". . . "be healthy and fit to feel good and do your best". . . . "take care of yourself so that you can take care of others". . . ."be a good example to your students". . . "believe it can be done". . . and I'm sure there were more, and that other people took away different things. It was all good.

And yet. . . nothing against anyone or anything. . . but none of it really motivated or inspired me. . . . but then again, maybe it really did.  I work hard and do my job. . . and I love my job.  I honestly enjoy all of the things I do. . . so why do I mostly feel unmotivated and uninspired?  It is not a constant thing. . . .it is just that I can't seem to maintain my motivation or inspiration for any length of time lately.  Sometimes I exhaust myself pondering it, and sometimes I just don't even care.  I want to blame it on getting older. . . except for the fact that I know a plethera of people much older than myself who are very motivated and inspired. . . . my mother, for example.  In fact. . . .

142.  My incredible, healthy, happy, wise, and wonderful mom

So. . .perhaps part of it is in continuing to bring my focus back around to the gifts and blessings God faithfully provides, whether I acknowledge them or not.  Really, it is being open to the Spirit of God working in my heart.  I'm thinking that thankfulness generates faith (in the faithfulness of God), which generates hope (in things not of this world), which in turn can generate motivation and inspiration.  So, my continuing choice needs to be thankfulness.  I feel like I say the same things over and over again as I write here.  I guess I just need to keep reminding myself.

143.  The constancy of God (it is a word, I looked it up)
144.  The speeches, sermons, books, movies, songs, stories, people, etc who inspire and motivate
145.  The Man Who Knew Too Much (funniest movie ever - if you haven't seen it, you should)
146.  Enough hours on a Saturday that you can procrastinate a little
147.  The "edit" box

Guess I'll go vaccum now!


  1. I agree! Gratitude makes our hearts happy. When our hearts are happy, our cup overflows and we want to make a difference in peoples' lives. Sometimes, we just have an unmotivated day. YOU are an amazing person, and you deserve those days. In fact, we're commanded to un-motivate ourselves...remember the Sabbath? ;0) Love you, and I'm praying for you, Friend

  2. Hi Noreen! We've never met. I knew Kari from my Corban days. I just wanted to let you know that your honesty is so refreshing. I find your blogs motivating & inspiring! Thank you for sharing your heart with all of us. May God's love wrap around you today and give you a hug from a faithful reader in Oregon.
