Thursday, June 7, 2012

Attentive and Aware

I love time that I get to spend with any and all of our children.  I loved this past long weekend that I got to spend with Kari & Brett and little Wyatt in Oregon, and being able to see Sam & Kimberly for a little bit as well.  I have huge, refreshed appreciation for Kari and for all moms of active toddlers, as I got to babysit for Wyatt for a couple of days while Kari got in some extra hours at work.  How do you even take a shower unless someone else is home????  I'd forgotten about that!  Have to share a funny Wyatt story. . . . As we were taking a walk around the neighborhood one afternoon, we passed a house where an older man was out working on his car.  He had on jeans, but no shirt.  As we walked past the house, Wyatt turned to me with his funny little grin and said. . . "Gamma, that man is NAKED!"  It made me laugh. Then later, when asked what he had seen on our walk, Wyatt told his mommy & daddy . . . "I saw a naked man!". 

I got a new devotional book in the mail from my sister-in-law, Luanne.  I love it . . . it is called "Alone in the Presence of God".  Today's reading is entitled "Awake and Attentive"  A little excerpt. . . "Living in God's presence results in an awakening of your senses to everything around you that pertains to His will. . .You begin to see people from a new perspective, and look at circumstances differently. . . It means adjusting your sights to HIS instead of requesting that He narrow His vision for you. . . It means taking notice of what He is doing and how He is equipping you to join Him. . . It requires that you not only seek Him, but that you anticipate Him. . . Tune yourself to His frequency by being attentive and aware."

Being "attentive and aware". . . . We kind of make a joke in our family about Kari always being very "aware".  She is aware as a driver, as she is walking in a store or a parking lot . . . pretty much everywhere.  We joke about it, but yet. . . she is constantly attentive and aware of what is going on around her.  Wyatt is also very attentive and aware. . . maybe ALL two-year olds are, but he seems to see and notice EVERYTHING.  Oh, that we could be constantly attentive and aware of, and to, the presence of God and His working in our lives, to seek Him and anticipate Him.  I like that.

31.  Coming home
32.  Books
33.  Birthdays
34.  Making connections
35.  Coloring
36.  Compression socks  (kind of strange I know)
37.  Open windows
38.  Friends and family
39.  Potted plants
40.  Porches. . . front and back


  1. Oh, to have the strength that you do and to share from the corners of your heart that hold safely the memories of those we love, that have gone on to celebrate with Jesus. I have hidden so much of my sorrow for so long that I could not begin to pour out anything for fear of completely falling from the edge of life.

  2. I'm surprised that seeing a nake man through a grandsons eyes isn't on your list. It may not be on his parents...but it seems to be on yours.

  3. Dear Noreen,
    Decided to stop by for a quick visit on your blog and found myself catching up on a few posts. I love your idea of a thousand things so I've decided to do the same. What a great way to focus on what the Lord has truly given us and to be thankful in all things. I'm going to look for the book you mentioned, looks like a good read for anyone no matter where they are in life. Hope your summer is starting out great! Love, Sylvia
