Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Hope Now

I feel like I am still constantly looking for signs, or some little something. . . anything that might be a hint of a memory of Sara's presence.  This morning when I got in the car to go to work, the song that came on the radio (which I had left on LOUDLY last night) was "Hope Now".  I think I've said before that sometimes when a special song starts right at the beginning when I turn the radio on. . . .it feels like it is Sara saying . . . "Hey Mom, I'm good!"

In May of 2009, when Sara was getting ready to come home to help with the children's musical for a couple of months. . . . and have the doctor take a look at her "bum knee". . . .there were two songs she had told me she kind of wanted to sing at church.  One was "If You Want Me To" by Ginny Owen.  The other was "Hope Now" by Addison Road.  Although we practiced on both of them at home, she never sang either one that summer. 

Hope and faith seem to be two of the things I struggle with lately.  Not just because of missing Sara. . . . but also in light of all the heartache that so easily overwhelms so many, everywhere, everyday.  I am thankful that God does not falter, even when I am so weak. 

Everything rides on hope now, everything rides on faith somehow.
When the world has broken me down, Your love sets me free.

When my life is like a storm, rising waters, all I want is the shore.
You say I'll be okay and make it through the rain.   You are my shelter from the storm.


  1. I love that song! We love you so much Noreen! Thank you for sharing, you always say what I need to hear....<3

  2. I'm so glad you get "signs". My other friend who also lost her daughter does too. I've only lost my Mom and feel like I had one from her just the other day. It's comforting to know that when someone else goes ahead of me, I might get some. I even asked Michael to send me some if it's him. Trying to enjoy every day. I pray that you and Woody do enjoy your Christmas and have a Happy, Blessed New Year.
