Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Proof of HIS love . . .

96.  Days full of kids + music + fairy tales = a great summer musical!
97.  An afternoon nap
98.  So You Think You Can Dance (I do miss watching it with Sara)
99.  Chicken with green beans, mushrooms & cashews
100.  Songs on the radio that stick in your head

I heard a great song on the radio last week that keeps running through my head.  I feel a little like God is using that to challenge my heart at this time in my life.  One of the things I've struggled with this past year (plus) is the tendency to put up barriers and avoid people or things that require any depth of caring or emotion.  I just don't feel like I have the strength for it.  I'm not proud to admit it. . . but sometimes I find myself thinking. . . I just don't care.  When I heard this song, I was convicted.  I DO want my life to be proof of God's love.  I DO want my life to reflect HIS love. . .no matter what.  God's love embodies so many things. . . . grace, mercy, compassion, joy, caring, committment, sacrifice, selflessness, forgiveness. . . . . and so much more.  I pray He continues to work on me to make these things true in my life. . . or rather, I should say, I pray He helps me surrender to His work in me.

Proof of Your Love - For King and Country
If I sing but don't have love,
I waste my breath with every song,
I bring an empty voice, a hollow noise.
If I speak with a silver tongue,
Convince a crowd but don't have love,
I leave a bitter taste with every word I say.

So let my life be the proof, the proof of Your love.
Let my love look like You, and what You're made of,
How You lived, how You died, love is sacrifice.
So let my life be the proof, the proof of Your love.

1 comment:

  1. I feel like I finally know how to really pray for you. Jesus, pour yourself into Noreen so that your love and compassion overflow from her. Give her an abundance of your grace and mercy so she can give more to others. Give her more so she can give more. Don't let her run dry but let her be like the jar of oil that kept pouring because you kept supplying. Thank you Jesus that we can turn to you in our weakness and know that you will be our strength. Thank you for putting this amazing woman with such a passionate heart for you in my life!
    I will continue to pray for you!
