Sunday, August 5, 2012

Seasonal Food????

Whoever knew that pumpkin pancakes are seasonal food????  My family assures me that the pancake restaurant is totally legitimate in only serving pumpkin pancakes from September through February, since pumpkin is a fall specialty.  All morning, and on the way to the restaurant, I just smiled at all of them because I KNEW that I remembered seeing pumpkin pancakes PRINTED on the menu.  What I hadn't remembered was the fine print underneath (available September - February).    Oh well!  I ended up sharing a strawberry waffle with Sam (along with a mushroom omelet), which was delicious. . . . especially because of the real, HOMEMADE whipped cream!  But seriously. . . . I still maintain that since pumpkin is a CANNED food, there really is no excuse NOT to serve pumpkin pancakes ALL YEAR LONG!

On another note. . . . there are several books out there that claim a death and back to life experience.  I can't remember the names of all of them that I have read. . . Heaven is For Real is one.  The authors talk about their experience in heaven, seeing angels, and being with Jesus.  Before Sara passed away, I basically ignored these books, assuming that the authors were just sensationalizing their experience.  Since her death, I have been inexplicably drawn to these stories.  I know she is happy and safe with Jesus. . . . but I would like so much to know the DETAILS.

The latest book I found is called To Heaven and Back by Mary C. Neal, who is an orthopaedic surgeon.  This one touched me in a deeper way, as she talked not only about her drowning experience in a kayak accident, but also about the evidences of God's work throughout her life, and later on, the death of her oldest son.  It was interesting and significant to me that she didn't write about her own experience until after her son died.  What she expressed was that the overwhelming emotion for her and her husband during the first few years after his death was fear . . . fear of never emerging from the emotional fog, fear of never again being able to experience joy, fear of failing our remaining children, fear of forgetting. . . . I so relate to these fears.  On the flip side, I also relate to her assurance and acknowledgement of the continuing and active presence of God in her life. . . never coincidences. . . . the work of a loving heavenly Father accomplishing my good for His glory. 

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