Sunday, September 18, 2011

Reading and re-reading and re-reading and re-reading. . . .

Do you ever read a book and then think you know the story or the contents so well that you either give it away, or put it on the shelf, never to pick it up again?  Often you want to keep it, because you love the story, or the thoughts put forth, but you think you have absorbed it all, and need to move on to something else.  I'm ashamed to say that sometimes I am like that in reading my Bible.  Philippians is my favorite book of the Bible. I have read it countless times, and countless more times since Sara's death. It is my "go to" when I pick up my Bible.  Now, as I stop to really think about what I am saying, I have several more favorite "go to's", but I will still claim Philippians as my number one. I would be inclined to say that I KNOW Philippians.  I can even quote several passages.  But how often am I really applying it to my heart and my life? 

I struggled this week.  That is a pretty constant in my life lately. Woody tried to help, and in some of our conversations I found myself figuratively putting my hands up to block what he was saying.  I didn't want to listen. There was NOTHING that could help.  Things were just going from bad to worse.  Now here is what comes of being a preacher's wife.  This morning, he had me in his captive audience, and as I listened to him speaking, I saw how what he was trying to tell me earlier all came together.  Woody taught this morning from Philippians chapter four.  (coincidentally my favorite chapter in my favorite book)  The message was entitled "How to Stand Firm in the Lord".  What I ought to do is go get his sermon notes and make that my post for today, but here it is in a nutshell. . . . from verses 1-7. . . .  Live harmoniously, joyously, graciously, and prayfully. . . and you will have peace in Christ Jesus.  Obviously, there is alot more that can be filled in, but there are the basics.  I am sure I will struggle again this week, but I will keep on reading and re-reading Philippians, and pray that God fills my heart with His peace. 

Have to share one more passage in reference to verse 6. . . "be anxious for nothing".  Psalm 37. . . the whole thing, but especially verses 23-24.  "The steps of a man are established by the Lord, and He delights in his way.  When he falls, he shall not be hurled headlong, because the Lord is the One who holds his hand." 

I re-read this to myself two ways, and both helped me immensely.  "Sara's steps were established by the Lord, and He delighted in her way.  When she fell, she was not hurled headlong, because the Lord was the One who held her hand."  AND  "Noreen's steps are established by the Lord, and He delights in her way.  When she falls, she will not be hurled headlong, because the Lord is the One who holds her hand."   Put  your own name in that verse, and hold it in your heart!

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